As you are probably aware in Russia, there are lots of car accidents and this is the reason why people have started putting dashboard cameras on their cars so that they can start filming and help with insurance claims.
You will notice that YouTube is overran by scary Russian car accidents and near misses. In this video clip, you see a car lose control slide in front of two cars and then come to stop between two parked cars without heating a thing and from the looks of it, nor even the curb. This video has had over 1,00,000, views and has you on the edge of your seat.
Is this impressive driving? Or is it luck?
Please post your comments below and let us know at BHP cars what you think. Furthermore, if you think, you have a video that would be interested in, then, please email us with a link and will get it uploaded onto the site. Thanks again for reading BHP cars and open joints rest your day.