ife ain’t fair. At one point you may be having sushi with Keeley Hazell, often times you’re having a bad hair day. So what do you do then? You read a book, you eat, then you sleep thinking that all will be well when you wake up.
On a sun shiny day, however, someone must have a really awful day. How awful, you ask? Well, enough to make him freak out on someone who is having a good day. Inside a Lamborghini.
The chap in the Lamborghini revved the V12 lump as they were capturing it on camera. All of a sudden a bystander bolted for the car and berated the driver telling him he was too noisy.
Had the man stayed a while longer, he would have to be stopped. He was acting like he stepped on a turd and realized that it wasn’t a dog’s, but a bull’s. A raging bull to be exact.
Watch this video as blondie goes ballistic on the driver and pray tell if what he did was really necessary.