If you drive hard and spend more time above the speed limit than within it then the thought of any copper is a scary one but a Bugatti Veyron is a little bit quicker than a copper on foot and even though this copper on a bicycle the Bugatti Veyron driver was pretty compliant.
The whole situation is pretty standard really a supercar is bumbling around London, and it gets told to pull over by a copper on a push bike. The reason for the Bugatti Veyron to get pulled over was to point out to the driver that their front number plate may have fallen off… yeah ok then… how may supercars do you see with a front number plate?
Nowadays trying to outrun a copper in central London is never going to happen and to be frank, it baffles me why people still do try and get away from police because everyone has radios and the area is on CCTV 24/7, so you are not going to get away.